flexible exchange rates

英 [ˈfleksəbl ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ reɪts] 美 [ˈfleksəbl ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ reɪts]

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  1. Flexible exchange rates enhance the ability of monetary policy to respond to shocks.
  2. This, of course, is easier said then done for it requires not only a fundamental adjustment in the conduct of central banking, but also far more flexible exchange rates than the region currently boasts.
  3. Flexible exchange rates offer some cushioning against foreign shifts but tend to magnify the disruption from shifts of domestic origin.
  4. We have already dealt with the implications of these shocks when we discussed the effect of monetary and fiscal policies under flexible exchange rates.
  5. The gatherings tend to call for greater budgetary discipline in the US, structural reform in Europe and Japan and more flexible exchange rates in Asia.
  6. As exchange risks rise, the adjusting economies in Asia with flexible exchange rates are experiencing higher inflation, higher interest rates and severe stresses on their banking systems.
  7. The developed economies of the G7 have an interest in establishing an important norm: to maintain flexible exchange rates, without intervention, unless the group agrees special circumstances warrant action.
  8. Flexible exchange rates yield an intermediate outcome in the face of capital-flow shocks.
  9. Flexible exchange rates seem to perform better in the face of shifts in export demand.
  10. For the truth is that carry trade opportunities should not exist at all: the whole point of flexible exchange rates is to rebalance things when interest rates get out of whack.
  11. While everyone seems to think that flexible exchange rates are the answer to small volatilities, no one has been able to deal effectively with the problem of competing devaluations that are creating a huge deflationary cycle in asia.
  12. He proposed an international monetary system that would involve multiple reserve currencies with flexible exchange rates including the dollar, the euro and a Renminbi made more accessible to international investors plus the use of the gold price as a "reference point" for currency movements.
  13. Most big emerging markets have been moving towards flexible exchange rates and autonomous monetary policies, enabling them to operate more independently, focusing on sound domestic economic policies and eschewing beggar thy neighbour tactics.
  14. A straightforward solution would be for the main countries or groupings to target domestic inflation independently in the context of flexible exchange rates.
  15. How fiscal policy works with flexible exchange rates is a little more complicated.
  16. He said there was "a risk that exchange rate appreciation in countries with flexible exchange rates including the euro area could hurt their growth prospects, and that in these circumstances protectionist pressures could worsen".
  17. With flexible exchange rates, markets force countries to devalue, which reduces their current account deficits.
  18. China, many other Asian countries and most oil exporters will have to accept substantial increases in their currencies now and much more flexible exchange rates for the long run.
  19. Countries, such as Mexico, that have more flexible exchange rates and are more committed to inflation targets have done better.
  20. They also confront a bigger adjustment task than do countries with flexible exchange rates.
  21. The western economists concluded that emerging economies should adopt flexible exchange rates and modern, well-regulated and competitive financial markets.
  22. Add in bulging foreign exchange reserves, debt denominated in domestic currency rather than dollars and ( with China the big exception) flexible exchange rates, and the hype surrounding emerging economies seems almost reasonable.
  23. International economists have been debating whether fixed or flexible exchange rates would be more likely to play the role of automatic stabilizer.
  24. FAIL to see the connection between excessive capital flows and the current system of flexible exchange rates.
  25. The fundamental difference between capital flows under indelibly fixed and flexible exchange rates was well known generations ago, decades before the modern era of globalisation.
  26. Whether this resilience is due to homegrown factors such as better macroeconomic management or more flexible exchange rates is unclear.
  27. But the process now under way, supported by moves towards flexible exchange rates, will encourage wages and consumption to rise, thereby alleviating trade tensions and reducing China's income disparities.
  28. Whether or not flexible exchange rates lead to too much inflation is an open question.
  29. We found that monetary policy was more powerful with flexible exchange rates.
  30. As the US trade deficit grows, debate is hotting up on whether the main Asian currencies should be made to appreciate or to adopt more flexible exchange rates.